
【 male | 21 years old (+100) | 5'5" | pan 】

Link is a young man who was placed in the Shrine of Resurrection after failing to defeat Calamity Ganon 100 years in the past. Back then, he was the princess' personal knight and the hero who wielded the sword that seals the darkness-- the Master Sword. However, upon awakening after his century long rest thanks to the beckoning of Princess Zelda, he found that he had no memory of the past, nor of himself. All that there was to guide him was Zelda's distant voice and a mysterious device known as the Sheikah Slate...


‣ Link is generally quiet, but is not opposed to striking up conversation with others. Despite this, his sentences tend to be short and to the point, unless he ends up on a tangent.

‣ While once stoic and stonefaced due to his heavy responsibilities, he is significantly more lax nowadays. With no impending doom hanging over Hyrule's head and no expectant gazes directed towards him (as well as a little help from amnesia), Link is able to relax and enjoy the little things in life.

‣ Despite being a very clever and attentive individual, Link lacks in both common sense and impulse control. He is also very stubborn. More often than not, this makes for a bad combination.

‣ Though he does lack many of his memories and no longer has need to concern himself with the judgement of others, he still finds that the anxiety built up from his past life lingers in certain aspects. Despite his willingness to speak to others, he sometimes finds it difficult to say what he truly thinks. Sometimes, words fail to come to him at all.

‣ Not only is Link a glutton with a nearly endless appetite, he is also a competent cook. Almost none of his meals are accidental, and he has learned many recipes over the course of his life. It just... took a while to remember most of them. Nowadays, he frequently experiments with different seasonings and sides for his meals to see how he can spice it up.

‣ Link. LOVES. Puns.

‣ Much like the rest of the Champions, Link does have a unique special ability. This ability is, quite simply, time manipulation. It is most notable when he fires a bow from the air, but it is also used to rapidly swap between Sheikah Slate runes, change gear, or get in a quick snack. Naturally, it is against the rules for him to use this or any other Champion ability in Smash match, otherwise he would be very broken.

‣ On occasion, Link will forget to emote. His words and tone may indicate a certain emotion, but his face will not display them. This is most likely a leftover subconscious habit from his knight days. He doesn't seem to notice when he does it, either.

‣ Link tends to get flustered by genuine compliments. Whether he masks his emotions or allows them to show may vary from situation to situation, but it certainly makes him feel good.

‣ Due to the amnesia he experienced from his century long sleep, there are certain things that are common knowledge that he does not remember. Link often displays a childlike sense of wonder when rediscovering such things.

‣ He is the biggest animal fan on the face of the planet. He would jump into a horde of monsters just so a dog could cross the road.

‣ Link is tired more often than not. Sleeping for 100 years threw his sleep schedule out the window, and the length of time in which he stays awake or asleep frequently varies wildly with seemingly little reason behind it. Sometimes he will be able to stay awake for 30+ hours on a nap's worth of rest, other times he is simply unable to function without 12+ hours of sleep. This has gotten better with time, as it was the worst in the period shortly after his initial awakening, but it is still a problem to this day.

‣ Link is able to carry all of his gear at once with the assistance of the Sheikah Slate. When the items are stored within his belt pouches, they are in the form of what appears to be bright blue energy, akin to the remote bombs or what Link is transformed into when he fast travels. When pulled out of the pouch, they materialize into full size.

‣ In contrast to the ingame model, Link's body is riddled with old scars from his previous life. Most notably, he has several long scratch marks along his upper arms and chest, a burn wound on his back, and a thin scar along his forehead and right temple, hidden underneath his bangs.

‣ Link has no idea about Wolf Link's true identity, nor his origins. He has noted that Wolf Link displays intelligence beyond that of an ordinary canine, and that his method of teleportation is quite visually different than anything else Sheikah Slate (or other ancient technology for that matter) has displayed. Despite this, Link hasn't given the possibilities much thought, and he can only guess that the wolf is either extremely well trained, or is some sort of unique magical creature in the form of a wolf.

[ more tba ]



( ●○ ) ; trust level (out of 5)
( ♥ ) ; lover
( ♡ ) ; crush
( დ ) ; admiration
( ∞ ) ; profound bond
( ♦ ) ; close acquaintances
( ☼ ) ; family
( ★ ) ; best friend
( ☑ ) ; friend
( ♣ ) ; acquaintance
( ☒ ) ; dislike
( ✘ ) ; strongly dislike
( ♠ ) ; hatred
( ☠ ) ; wanted dead
( ? ) ; unsure feelings
( ! ) ; fear/scared of

link (seven)

[ ●●●●○ | ☑ | დ ]

[ wip ]


[ ●●●○○ | ☑ ]

Lucina is certainly an interesting individual. She is the princess of a destroyed future, she fights alongside her father, who is around her own age, and she is known to have worn a mask while sporting the identity of "Marth" during her time in present day Ylisse.

And yet, the strangest thing of all is that she finds practically anything you wear to be stylish.

Despite her quirks, she is a kind individual, and you find her presence to be enjoyable. The two of you have temporarily taken over Richter's estate, and you more than welcome her company due to the empty nature of the manor. In the short time that you have been faffing about in the estate, you two have begun to bond quite easily, and you can easily call her a friend. Hopefully you will be able to learn more about her while the two of you clean up the various messes in this place.

And there are... a lot of them.


[ ●●●○○ | ☑ | დ | ? ]

While you and Marth have not had much interaction outside of fights, a few conversations, and the aftermath of a rescue mission, you consider the Hero-King a friend. He is quite friendly and openly caring, which is something you quite like about him, and you admire his strength and courage. However, as a result of these positive traits(and perhaps a past that you don't quite know about), he tends to overwork himself beyond what he can handle. This has resulted in catastrophic events that you learned of far too late, and you wish you could have done something to help. You can't help but feel bothered by the fact that just before it all transpired, you had told him to not be reckless and to ask for help when he needed it. Even now, long after this conflict has been resolved, he still seems to push himself past what is considered healthy, so you are now doing your best to help him understand see just how much taking it easy can pay off... even if it means you'll have to force him to stay put yourself. He'll learn eventually! Until then, you'll be keeping a watchful eye on Marth to ensure he doesn't do anything stupid again. Besides, his company is always pleasant. Perhaps the two of you can consider this to be friendly bonding!

richter belmont

[ ●●○○○ | ♦ | ? ]

Your relationship with Richter is... complicated. He seems to interpret your bond a bit differently than you do, and while this isn't exactly a problem, it can lead to some strange scenarios. The unpredictable Belmont views you as a younger brother, one to tease and mess around with, but you're still not exactly sure how you got to this point when you only met him recently. You tend to put up with him more than anything else, and while you don't dislike him, you certainly find yourself questioning most of his words and actions. It doesn't help that he went on a bloody rampage-- actually, two-- over a broken heart not so long ago, only to return to normal within mere minutes both times. Every action that follows these events furthers your belief that Richter is far too impulsive for his own good. It isn't that he's a bad person, but he is terrible at controlling himself.

Perhaps in the end, it's a good thing he trusts you so much. After all, as it means you'll be able to keep a close eye on him. He'll likely need all the help he can get.

Speaking of which, where has he been lately? Uh oh. You lost track of him. Here's hoping he's not off somewhere causing more havoc...

chompy (piranha plant)

[ ●●●●○ | ☑ ]

The Piranha Plant that you dubbed "Chompy" is a bizarre creature, the likes of which are entirely unfamiliar to you. While he seems like a relatively ordinary plant, save for the toothy maw, the fact that he has intellect and can carry on conversations like any other person is... amazing. You find his manner of speech incredibly endearing, and though he seems to do questionable things from time to time, you can't help but love him. You were surprised to hear him question his own morals, but that just goes to show there is more to this potted plant than meets the eye.

What a good boy.


[ ●●●○○ | ☑ | დ ]

[ WIP ]

corian brandt

[ ●●●○○ | ☑ ]

[ WIP ]

rp information

Guidelines and shipping information are found in this segment.

Example is character dialogue.
[ Example ] is actions/occasional writer commentary.
(Example) is character thoughts.
// Example is writer talking.
I do not use quotation marks in dialogue unless the character themself is quoting something, so I apologize if this is confusing!

I do have some ship preferences for Link, but I am willing to discuss any ship possibilities! However, please bear in mind that, even with these preferences, I will only ship with chemistry, and am unwilling to ship immediately, even if we both like a ship in question. I like to build up a relationship between two characters beforehand, it's both more fun and more realistic that way!

Also, please do not try and force a ship on me/my character if we have not discussed it beforehand! I really don't like having anything pushed on me, shipping or otherwise, so if you attempt to pressure me into a ship, you're basically ensuring that I will not be shipping with you. Let's discuss things like reasonable people, thank you!

I am also more than happy to do fight RPs! My replies for these can get a bit long, but I like to be as detailed as possible with fights. Link may or may not use his full arsenal, depending on the setting. For Smash fights, he will obviously be limited to the weapons he is confined to ingame: Master Sword, bow, boomerang, and bombs. Outside of this, however, Link is likely to use whatever he has in his expansive inventory, including any and all weapons, food, and the Champion abilities. Fights like these may occur even if the opponent is also in Smash, but the setting is outside of the tournament's rules, such as sparring during downtime or during arguments. Most if not all multiverse fights (as well as fights that take place within the BotW world, and the Zelda universe in general) will fall into this category as well, unless one or both writers specifies that it is under Smash rules!
(A complete listing of Link's powers, abilities, and key items for fight RP purposes can be found HERE.)

All art posts on this account are things I have drawn myself! As an artist, I hate the idea of reposting art, much less without credit. That being said, I won't not interact with you if you do repost art (with or without credit), but do let this serve as a gentle reminder to credit your artists, and don't use art you don't have permission for! If an artist says not to repost their art, then don't repost; it's just that simple!

My reply speeds can be somewhat inconsistent due to motivation and sleep schedule issues, so replies may be instant, or they may arrive several days later. I try not to drop RPs, so if I haven't replied in a while, I probably will eventually! If you're concerned about the length of time, feel free to (politely) DM me about it!
(SLs are an exception to this whole segment of course, I try to really kick my ass into gear during those, haha.)

Even if I don't follow you, I'm usually willing to respond regardless, so please feel free to interact with my posts! I highly encourage starters at any time as well, even if it's just something simple!

Finally, I apologize if anyone is annoyed or overwhelmed by how much I reply with sometimes! I like to be descriptive and thorough, so I tend to write a few tweets worth of content when replying.

My writer carrd, which has all of my other roleplay accounts listed, can be found HERE.


This section contains information about Link's weapons, bows, and shields. Information regarding his other key items (as well as his skills and powers) can be found here.


Master Sword | Soup Ladle | Boomerang | Royal Broadsword | Forest Dweller's Sword
Flameblade | Lizal Boomerang | Guardian Sword ++ | Meteor Rod | Blizzard Rod
Demon Carver | Korok Leaf | Iron Sledgehammer | Stone Smasher | Ancient Battle Axe++
Savage Lynel Crusher | Windcleaver | Thunderspear | Belmont Sword* | Training Whip*


Bow of Light** | Traveler's Bow | Royal Bow (x2) | Falcon Bow | Ancient Bow | Savage Lynel Bow | Duplex Bow


Hylian Shield | Knight's Shield (x2) | Royal Shield (x2)
Forest Dweller's Shield | Guardian Shield++ | Savage Lynel Shield

*These weapons are obtained through roleplays, and are non-canon to the source game.
Such weapons will likely be excluded from tournaments and similar events, but may appear in certain SLs.

**The Bow of Light is a limited use weapon, only appearing in Link's times of greatest need. It stays in his inventory and can be summoned at will, however the Light Arrows that serve as its ammunition will only appear when he truly needs them. That being said, it is easily Link's most powerful bow, as it is completely indestructible and creates infinite Light Arrows.


Information about Link's abilities, powers, and key items can be found in this section. It is compiled with the intention of review for fight roleplays, and contains both canonical information as well as headcanons in order to fill the gaps.

skills/natural abilities

[ Sword Proficiency ]
After years of training as a knight, Link has gained mastery over the blade. Even though he lost his life's memories, the muscle memory stayed in tact, and he can wield the Master Sword with skill and precision. Among his many learned techniques are the spin attack, jump strike, and sneakstrike.

[ Adaptability ]
Link can adapt to any weapon with ease, and while his attack methods may seem unorthodox at times, they are still effective. He is also capable of adapting to abrupt changes in his surroundings, adjusting his equipment and strategy to match the situation at the drop of a hat. It is worth noting that Link also excels in archery, especially when utilizing his champion ability.

[ Perfect Guard ]
With exact timing, Link can deflect any projectile away from himself with the usage of a shield (or any object that can serve as a shield, such as a pot lid). Be it a boulder, a bullet, or a beam, the hero can negate any ranged attack and even send it back to his attacker.

[ Agility and Acrobatics ]
Able to sprint quickly in lengthy bursts, climb steep inclines with no difficulty, and perform flips and tricks when dodging blows in combat, Link is highly agile, and can be a tricky foe to land a solid hit on.

[ Enhanced Durability ]
Hylians are naturally durable, however after his time soaking in the Shrine of Resurrection, Link in particular has become extremely so. Attacks that would severely injure or even kill the commonfolk simply knock Link down, only for him to stand up and retaliate. On top of this supernatural durability, the hero has an impressive heart count thanks to clearing the many shrine trials found throughout Hyrule. Because of these two factors, he may be knocked prone by heavy attacks, but it usually takes several hits to keep Link down and out.

[ Riding Skill ]
One of many things he was trained in as a knight of Hyrule was the art of horseback riding. He is able to fight atop a horse's back using any of his weapons, and can jump off of one's back in order to fire a bow. This riding skill also comes in handy when it comes to driving the Master Cycle Zero, as he can perform the same maneuvers while riding it.


[ Link's Focus ]
Link's unique champion ability allows him to slow the flow of time when he focuses, such as when dodging or aiming an arrow when midair. He also uses this when sorting through his inventory in order to pull out something new without leaving himself vulnerable.

[ Flurry Rush ]
A technique that utilizes Link's champion ability. After executing a perfect dodge, Link can rush forth at blinding speeds and attack several times in a row before an opponent can even act to defend themselves. Prior to his century long slumber, he could do this maneuver much more frequently, however the passage of time has worn down his precision, and so it can only be used under certain circumstances.

[ Mipha's Grace ]
When Link takes critical damage, Mipha's spirit appears to heal his wounds, allowing him to keep fighting when an ordinary man would've stayed down. She also supplies Link with a few temporary hearts as a bonus.

[ Revali's Gale ]
With the help of Revali's spirit, he can conjour an intense upwards gust of wind, and when utilized with the paraglider, it can be used to help Link reach new heights. This gust is powerful enough to lift and keep lightweight objects up in the air, and it lasts for a short period of time after it is created, allowing him to continue utilizing its power for a while.

[ Daruk's Protection ]
A magical shield that encompasses Link's body and protects him from all manner of attacks three times per charge. Daruk's spirit also reflects projectiles automatically-- especially beams and lasers.

[ Urbosa's Fury ]
With a snap of his fingers or a charge of his strike, Link can channel Urbosa's intense power by calling down bolts of lightning from the sky in a large radius around him. These bolts stun any foes that are hit by them, often causing them to drop any items they are holding. It can also electrify bodies of water on contact, and can even do the same to the air around him if it is raining.

unique and special items

[ The Master Sword ]
The Blade of Evil's Bane. This sword can slice through the darkness with ease, cleaving through evil like a hot knife through butter. The sword can fire off projectiles known as blade beams, but only when Link is at full health. Unfortunately, like all other weapons, this weapon "breaks" after a certain amount of wear, and becomes entirely unusable, however it recovers from this state after a short period of time.

[ Sheikah Slate ]
A mysterious technological wonder that allows Link the use of several runes. Such runes include:

‣ Remote Bombs - Produces small, kickball sized bombs than can be detonated on command. Come in both ball and cube shaped varieties. Cube ones will often stay in place when set down, whereas ball shaped ones will roll around.

‣ Magnesis - The ability to latch onto any metal object. Once an object is grabbed, two beams appear between it and the Sheikah Slate, and by moving the slate, Link can move the object freely in the air, no matter its weight.

‣ Stasis - Entirely freezes a creature or object in time for ten short seconds. While frozen, the subject can be hit to store up momentum, which will be forcibly released when stasis ends. The direction the subject is launched depends on the direction Link's blows come from.

‣ Cryonis - Creates pillars of ice on the surface of water. Can be climbed upon and destroyed at will, but can also be destroyed by force with enough damage. Only three pillars can exist at one time, with the oldest disappearing if Link attempts to make a fourth one.

‣ Camera - Takes pictures of things. Images can be saved to the Slate's gallery, and may even be registered in the Hyrule Compendium. The images can also be printed out!

‣ Master Cycle Zero - Link's own Divine Beast. Summons a motorcycle that runs on any material component Link fuels it with. He can ride it around at high speeds, enough to harm a foe when ramming into them, and can use his arsenal of weapons while atop it, as if riding a horse. The cycle itself is impervious to damage (although Link can be knocked off of it), but disappears instantly when driven into water. It also disappears automatically when left alone for a short period of time.

The Sheikah Slate is also what allows Link to store so many things in his inventory, perfectly preserving both clothes and meals in what one can assume is hammerspace. When paired with his champion ability, the Slate aids him with instantaneous changes in gear and quick snack breaks while in the middle of combat.

[ Weapons Inventory ]
Link has a vast arsenal of weapons, including swords, hammers, bows, and shields. A complete list of the contents of his arsenal can be found on the inventory page, though this is subject to change as he fights in various battles.

[ Armor Inventory ]
As well as his stash of weapons, Link also carries several sets of armor and clothing on his person at all times. He can change into different gear in the middle of battle in order to gain their special effects, such as enhanced stealth, increased attack, or immunity to certain elements.

[ Food and Potions ]
A significant part of Link's inventory is comprised of the consumables he has in reserve. Foods that restore hearts and occasionally grant special effects, as well as potions that only grant the latter are found within his belt pouches.

[ Paraglider ]
One of Link's key items from early on, this item can be pulled out in an instant, and allows him to glide in the air at a moderate speed. He can use it to traverse great aerial distances, nullify fall damage, and ride Revali's Gale into the sky. He can also drop remote bombs directly below him while in the air without so much as lifting a finger from its handle, and he can put it away just as instantaneously in order to fire a bow.

[ Ancient Horse Gear ]
While he's more likely to use the Master Cycle Zero when in a combat scenario, Link can warp in his horse Peaches with the use of the saddle and bridle she is equipped with, which is made using ancient Sheikah technology.